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In-person Class

April 14
9:00 am – 4:00 pm

Lunch will be provided


Christa Sterling

SolidWorks and MBD Essentials for Engineering Designers and Technicians

Solidworks is the premier 3-D CAD system used in MBSE designs.


  • Learning Objectives
    • Be able to create a model in Solidworks
    • Understand how to connect parts and analyze assemblies in Solidworks.
    • Know how to apply geometric dimensioning and tolerancing to a Solidworks model.
    • Be able to import and export objects in Solidworks.

Program Outline

    • The basic operations of Solidworks – video, presentation, readings, and exercise.
    • Creating the model of a part in Solidworks – video, presentation, readings, and exercise.
    • Creating the model of an assembly in Solidworks – video, presentation, readings, and exercise.
    • Applying geometric dimensioning and tolerancing in Solidworks – video, presentation, readings, and exercise.
    • Analyzing a Solidworks model – video, presentation, readings, and exercise
    • Importing and exporting files using Solidworks – video, presentation, readings, and exercise.

This event was organized under a subaward with the Connecticut Department of Economic and Community Development, with financial support from the Office of Local Defense Community Cooperation, Department of Defense. The content reflects the views of the Connecticut Department of Economic and Community Development and does not necessarily reflect the views of the Office of Local Defense Community Cooperation.

Who Should Enroll

This program is for engineering designers and technicians.


Dr. Haoyu Wang

Dr. Wang has over 20 years of research and teaching experience in Manufacturing Automation and Robotics and holds professional engineer’s license in Connecticut. He co-founded the ABET accredited Robotics and Mechatronics Engineering Technology program at Central Connecticut State University (CCSU) and is currently a tenured professor in the program. He has been providing training and consulting in manufacturing and robotics to manufacturing companies in Connecticut in the last ten years. He was selected as the first faculty to the CCSU Faculty in Residency (FIR) program started in 2013. The main purpose of this program is to help Connecticut manufacturing companies improve their manufacturing systems for a better competitive advantage. He has served as PI on eight NASA funded research grants through which he developed a system to tele-operate a collaborative robot through virtual reality technology, a system with JIT information capability with augmented reality and internet of things (IOT), and an intelligent robotic deburring system. He has served as Co-PI of Connecticut Apprenticeship Program in Robotics and Automation Program funded by Advanced Robotics for Manufacturing Institute (the 14th institute of Manufacturing USA). The goal of the program is to help Connecticut manufactures to improve global manufacturing competitiveness through education in robotic integration and automation.

He has been vice chair (currently co-chair) of Connecticut IEEE Robotics and Automation Society (RAS) since 2009. The Connecticut chapter has been selected as the recipient of the 2018 RAS Chapter of the Year Award from the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society among more than 200 chapters around the world. He is working with his IEEE colleagues on a robotics education program to promote robotics education and collaboration on open source hardware and software in Connecticut. Since 2016, he serves as the Connecticut coordinator for the Zero Robotics program founded by the space systems lab in MIT.

His current research includes Collaborative Robotic Systems, Virtual Reality (VR) robotic teleoperation, and Augmented Reality (AR) in Robotic Manufacturing systems, Injury Biomechanics, and Computer Aided GD&T. He serves as the Master of Science in Technology Management program coordinator and is the chair-elect of the Department of Manufacturing and Construction Management at CCSU.


Central Connecticut State University
1615 Stanley Street
New Britain, CT 06053
Elihu Burritt Library
Room 30204


This was a perfect course! The pace was great, and the instruction was top notch! Spring, 2025