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Customized Training

Delivering Exceptional Customer Service


This course provides a review of the importance and benefits of providing exceptional customer service.  Participants will identify their external customers and discuss their service expectations.  A facilitated discussion will help participants to identify ways to solve current customer service problems and gain initial agreement on service standards.  A goal is for each employee to treat each customer experience as an individual experience for each person.  Tools and techniques taught and experienced will include telephone and face to face customer service skills with prospective and existing clients, including listening skills, questioning skills, effective use of words, vocal tone and body language.

Instructor led with a focus on participant involvement.  Includes presentation of materials, discussion, skill practice workshops and action planning to identify ways to incorporate the new skills in the workplace.

This program supports participants ability to:

  • Determine how exceptional customer service benefits themselves, their customer and the company in quantifiable terms.
  • Identify their external customers, their expectations and ways to exceed them.
  • Define practices that make up exceptional customer service for their area.
  • Identify and solve current customer service problems.
  • Deliver exceptional customer service both over the phone and in person.


  • Components of Exceptional Customer Service Cultures
    • Knowing and applying these key components to your business environment can increase customer satisfaction and retention.
  • The Core Dimensions of Customer Service
    • Customer Service Research and Facts
  • Characteristics of Good and Bad Customer Service
    • How to set your company apart from the competition
  • Common Traits of Professional Customer Service Employees
    • Core Skills Self-Assessment Checklist
  • Identifying Your Client Groups
    • Who are they? What do they expect from you?
    • What are the TPR Service standards?
  • Continuously Improving Your Customer Service Levels
    • A facilitated customer service problem solving session
  • Tools to deliver exceptional customer service
  • Anticipate and exceed client expectations
  • Diffuse angry clients
  • Make clients feel valued through exceptional listening and questing techniques
  • Scenario Skill Practice
  • Key Learnings Action Planning


Who Should Enroll

This course is for individuals who are responsible for providing customer service either over the phone or in person.


Coming soon.


Central Connecticut State University

185 Main Street

New Britain, CT  06051

Room:  TBD

Room information will be sent approximately one week prior to class start date.

Schedule, Costs & Contact

Dates:  TBD


Contact:  Christa Sterling; 860-832-2277;




Ms. Gina Ohanesian

Gina Ohanesian, founder of Performance Alternatives, has been a leadership and business partner to organizations since 1986.  With a broad background in organizational and leadership development, Gina has served a variety of clients domestically and internationally and has demonstrated expertise in the following areas: 

Organization Effectiveness

Executive Coaching and Business Consulting 

Strategic Facilitation and Team Building 

Leadership and Employee Development